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KARIN BEYENS, born in Aba (Congo), lives and works in Merksplas, Belgium.

After completing my Master Education Free Graphics and Drawings at the St. Lukas in Brussels, I specialized several years in the techniques of intiglio, relief printing and lithography.
The technique with wich I could best express myself became the drypoint etching.
As printing form I don't use the convensional zinc or copper, but instead I inventively made the Mylar polyester(foil) my base material. Eventually, the graphic arts are not a purpose, but rather a method to come to other insights.

During my classical art education I was triggered by the lessons about the Russian-avand garde, the Bauhaus and the Style.

Through the technique of the collage and drypoint etch, my work has evolved to geometric abstraction over the last couple of years.
The basic material with wich I work is the Mylar(foil).
My recent work consists of reduced, monochrome painted lines and planes. These are applied to the reflective, transparant polyester foil with wide brush strokes in acryl paint where onley the power of the coloured line or plane prevail. Basisprinciples such as the form, the colour, the texture and the material are researched on a formalistic method.
With the notion "anti-form" and the manipulation through the process of etching, painting, stacking , cutting and hanging.
The collages, objects and paintings are created in series. It involves consistent and incremental many changes until the simple form appears.
Each is journey on thoughs and the same time a process that shapes itself during its realisation.
A rejection of realism in favor of the spirit. It's about seeking the essence of things.
The process is a fundimental part of my work.
The panels and objects consisting of folie, polystyrene plate, low in weight, are so constructed, that they can be exhibited as an installation. The presentation is always a reformulated challange of hanging, stacking, piling or laying down, deprived of a frame, with an open structure in interaction with the space.

The works are what they are and the vieuwer observed.

Bernard Cohen Floris (1964) Tate

The term process art refers to where the process
of its making art is not hidden
but remains a prominent aspect
of the completed work,
so that a part or even the whole
of it subject is the making work.





1977 - 1979

Highschool of Visual Arts, Institute H. Graf, Turnhout


Academy of Fine Arts, Painting, Turnhout


1979 - 1983

Master in Free Graphics and Drawing, St. Lukas, Brussels



Pedagogical degree 


2003 - 2015

General Residence, Print Lab, Frans Masereel Centre,  Kasterlee




  • Exhibition Untitled TZT086 trio exhibtion, Bos Fine Art, Utrecht, The  Netherlands

  • Foundation Vierplus, International Essentie Exposition "Under Construction", Octatube in Delft, The Netherlands

  • Nr.317 - Happy Hospitality, SECONDroom, Antwerpen.

  • 7. Internationaler André Evard Preis für konkret-konstruktive kunst, nominated, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel am Kaisersthull, Germany.


  • Duo Exhibition Untitled TZT076, Bos Fine Art, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • 11, virtuel exhibition/multidisciplinary II,
    curator K.Köroglu, Istanbul. Watch the exhibition online. 

  • Galerie Abstract Project " Splitting The square " Paris
    curator Jean-Luc Manguin .

  • Gallery " 7 " Athens, group exhibition: line-schape-colour, invitation Kleopatra Moursela, curated Aikaterini Kanakaki.

  • Galerie Abstract Project " Abstract Color Object, 4 visions " Paris, 
    curated Christine löw. 

  • Exposition in PE9 essentie, 4+100 years after Bauhaus, Utrecht.


  • Stock Sales Spring 2022, Bos Fine Art, The Haque.

  • EXPoZEE  22, Down By The Seaside, Puur, De Haan, curator Ron Van de Vyver.

  • Anonymous Drawings 2022, Galerie im Körnerpark Berlin, Germany.

  • White Circle, exhibition for KNO Kyiv Non-Objective, curator Deb Covell,
    Saturation Pont Projects, London.

  • 8., virtual exhibtion, multidisciplinary II,
    curator Erdem K. Köroglu, Istanbul. Watch the exhibition online.

  • ARTISTIC POSTCARDS International Mail Exhibition, curators Anna Klos
    and Dariusz MLacki, Galeria Korekta, Warsaw, Poland.

  • Exposition collective "HEAL", foundation Debsaysyes, curation par Chloé Marchand, Les Dockx Village, Marseille, France.

  • 2do.International Art Collage Peru 2022,
    Museum of Contemporary Art of Cusco, curator Daniel Rodriguez.


  • Inart online exhibition, curator Ria Groenhof, The Netherlands.

  • Out of Home-Wings for Freedom, international exhibition, curator Fernando Durão, Cultural Space of the Instituto Cervantes São Paulo-SP-Brazil.

  • Art Matters 3 " Honorouble Mention, Gallerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Germany.

  • Covimetry, an exhibition by Discursive Geometry in partnership with the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, curator Mark Starel, Suzan Shutan.

  • Stock exhibition Bos Fine Art, The Hague

  • #6 Biënnale Internationale d'Art Non-Objective de la ville de Pont de Claix, curator Roland Orépük.

  • ZEIT Art Space, groupexpo #FFFFOO, curator Luc Franken, Antwerp. 


  • Art Lounge International, reductive and new modern arts, Ohio US, curator Dennis Tower.

  • Debsaysyes, rosalux-the Berlin-based art space, Berlin, curator Çigdem Çaglayan.

  • A6 - Murals worldwide, curator Lydia Wierenga.

  • Doorkunst, international Covid-19 project, curator Dolf Verlinden. The Netherlands.

  • Covimetry 2020, international group exhibition, curator Mark Starel, Kielce, Poland.

  • Vierplus, essentie iQ, a paper sales exhibition of essential art in quarantaine.

  • Groupexpo 10 Belgium and Dutch abstract artists, curator Erik Haemers, " No such thing as a straight line, Antwerp, Belgium.

  • Exhibition untitled TZT051, duo exhibition, Bos Fine Art, The Hague, The Netherlands.

  • Art Matters 2 " Honorouble Mention, Galerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Germany.


  • RNOP, curator Billy Gruner, Apeldoorn ( ACEC ), The Netherlands.

  • Vierplus essentie, 100 years after Bauhaus, Het Dingemanshuys, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • New Modern, RNOP Melbourn-the road paintings, Five Walls, Australia, curators Billy Gruner, Aaron Martin.

  • Startparty Debsaysyes, big artists, Small works, Kruisruimte, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, curator Jacqueline Grubben, Astrid Cats.

  • Vierplus, 100 years after Bauhaus, Zonnestraal, Zonnestraal, Hilversum, The Netherlands

  • RNOP Biennale Satellite 2017-2019, The Road Paintings, RNOA, curator Billy Gruner. Biënnale of Sydney 19 October 2019, The stores Building Nth Paramatta.


  • Essensje/Essentie, Broerekerk, Bolsward, for the accasion of Leeuwarden-Friesland. European Capital of Culture 2018, curator vierplus.

  • Klaslokaal N°8, curator vierplus, Jubbega, The Netherlands.

  • Exhibition TZT031, Galerie Bos Fine Art, The Hague, The Netherlands.

  • CC Zwaneberg-Heist-op-den-Berg, Abstract Painting, Belgium.


  • Galerie T, Nancy, France.

  • Kom Dat Zine - Weekend, Troebel Neyntje, Antwerp Belgium.

  • A priveleged space for a contemporary (art)rituel, Nothing amazes me/us any longer, forrmarly known as Bozar de l' Abattoir, curator Fred Michiels, Generosy as a currency, Aiseau-Presles, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Broeckercontemporary on Tour Black Box,  2017-2019, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg.

  • Countune, international online social art project, curator Gert Jansen.

  • Kunst In Huis Brussels, Belgium.

  • Art Collective LIKE, group exhibition, Antwerp, Belgium.

  • Office of Useless Art (  O.oU.A  ), group exhibition, Tamines, Belgium.

  • Galerie Bos Fine Art, group exhibition, the Hague, The Netherlands.

  • Winter Exhibition Untitled TZT, Galerie Bos Fine Art, The Hague, The Netherlands.


  • Price of the Landscape, Michel Depypere, St. Michielskerk, Kuurne.

  • Galerie EXIT 11, Contemporary art, Bozar de l'Abattoir, curator Fred Michiels, Grand Leez.

  • Galerie Pascal Polar, Collage-price of the Foundation.

  • Andrée en Pierre arty, Brussels.

  • ATC2, Salon Mommen, Sint-Joost-Ten-Node, Brussels, Belgium.


Copyright © 2014-2024 Carine Beyens. All rights reserved.

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